All photos are taken in Pine Brook Hills by  PBH residents

Welcome to the Pine Brook Hills Homeowners Association (HOA) Website

Are you prepared for a wildfire? 
The links below provide helpful information from Boulder Mountain Fire Protection District about how to prepare your family for wildfire and how to make your home and property more resistant to wildfire: 

Information about Receiving Emergency Alerts

An Evacuation Preparation Guide

The Pine Brook Hills Evacuation Map

 Jan ’23> Chief Benson-Sanitas Fire    Jan ’23 > One Way Calendar    Oct ’22 > New: Firewise 
June ’22 > Helping Neighbors   Jan ’22 > Chief Benson     July ’21 >  Bears-CPW

Pine Brook Hills is an unincorporated mountain community located just west of the city of Boulder and consists of approximately 400 homes nestled in the foothills of the Front Range of the Rockies. This site provides news and information of interest to our residents.

Thanks in advance for your contribution!

Your HOA dues support community-wide fire mitigation, many neighborhood enhancement projects, the Pine Brook Press,
Pine Brook directory, this website, and many other programs. Here is where you can pay  this year’s dues online or by check.

New to Pine Brook Hills?

Welcome. Click here to learn more!